Online Panel Help
Provider Services
The Provider Services page contains links to Gainwell Technologies contacts, DSS contacts, schedules, and provider training.

Navigation Path: [Provider] - [Provider Services]

This page is used to provide assistance to providers for all Connecticut Medical Assistance Programs, except DSS policy. Information regarding Gainwell Technologies' addresses for mailing claims, correspondence, and sterilization/hysterectomy consent forms is provided.

The Provider Services page consists of the following panels:

  • Provider Relations:  Provides an overview of Gainwell Technologies' responsibilities and the information that can be found on the Provider Services page.
  • Gainwell Technologies Contacts:  Defines the roles and responsibilities of Technologies, along with links related to Provider Relations, the EDI Help Desk, the Client Assistance Center, the Pharmacy Prior Authorization Assistance Center, Provider Enrollment, the Automated Voice Response System (AVRS), the Automated Eligibility Verification System (AEVS), and finally Claim Submission and Form Mailing Addresses. The user clicks these links to open a new window with a detailed description.
  • DSS Contacts:  Defines the roles and responsibilities of DSS. DSS can assist with queries about policy, procedures, and payment methodology. This panel includes links to find mailing addresses, telephone numbers, HUSKY A, HUSKY B, HUSKY C, and HUSKY D information, Connecticut Behavioral Health Partnership (CTBHP), Connecticut Dental Health Partnership (CTDHP), and Connecticut AIDS Drug Assistance Program (CADAP), information, and regional offices and other DSS contacts. The user clicks these links to open a new window and view a detailed description.
  • Schedules:  Schedules for claim submissions and  payment, as well as the Holiday Schedule and the POS/AEVS system availaiblity schedule are provided. The user clicks on a link to open the schedule in new window.
  • Provider Training:  Contains information related to training session schedules, including directions to get to workshops. Also contains presentations from past workshops for providers to download.  The user clicks the link on this panel to open the Provider Training document in a new window.