Links |
This page provides links to other Web sites as defined by the state. There is no security integration with any of these links.
Navigation Path: [Information] - [Links] |
Links provided are included for information only. Inclusion of a site in this list does not constitute an endorsement of the Web site or the site's content. The links open data in a new window when clicked. These sites include:
- State Government Sites: Links for departments related to the State of Connecticut are provided; for example, the Department of Social Services, Healthcare for Uninsured Kids and Youth, and other Connecticut State agencies.
- Federal Government Sites: Links for Federal agencies are provided; such as the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Center for Disease Control, and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
- General Health Care Sites and Resources: Links for health sites and the University of Connecticut Health System are provided.
- Health Care Provider Organizations: Links for health care provider organizations are provided; such as Dental, Medical, Pediatrics, and Physical Therapy.
- HIPAA Information: Links to HIPAA related information are provided; such as a link to the HIPAA page on the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Web site, the Washington Publishing Company Web site for manuals and implementation guides, and the US Department of Health and Human Services for FAQs.
- World Wide Web Search Engines: Links for Web search engines are provided; such as Yahoo, Excite,, and HotBot.
- Web Toolkit: Links for Microsoft Internet Explorer and Adobe Acrobat Reader are provided to take advantage of the benefits available on the site. Click the link to open a new window to run the program setup.