The Home page is comprised of links to panels which provide a variety of resources including provider manuals, provider bulletins, and claim forms, along with the information on Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and the Automated Voice Response System (AVRS).
The Connecticut Medical Assistance Program (CMAP) Web Site appearance is controlled by your own computer settings for Display and Internet Explorer settings. Use the Internet Explorer View menu to set the Text Size that is best for you. A Medium text size is suggested for most users. Do not use your web browser's Back button for site navigation. Use the menus that appear at the top of each page, or the Quick Links that are available on the Home Page and on other pages throughout the Web site to navigate through the site.
The Home Page also contains the following Icons.
Information: Used to post publications and provider services information that can be useful resources for the all Web users. This page provides information regarding, announcements for providers, assistance center toll free numbers, claim processing information, provider newsletters, manuals and links for various organizations. Information panels consist of the following:
- Important Messages
- RA Banner Announcements
- Publications
- Links
Provider: Contains information to assist providers in providing services to CMAP clients, and obtaining reimbursement for these services. A provider can use the Internet to enroll and re-enroll for in the CMAP from the Public Web site. Gainwell Technologies and DSS contact details, schedule information, and training links are provided. There is also a link to other sites where provider searches can be conducted. Provider panels consist of the following:
- Provider Enrollment
- Provider Re-enrollment
- Provider Enrollment Tracking
- Provider Matrix
- Provider Services
- Provider Search
- Drug Search
- Provider Fee Schedule Download
- EHR Incentive Program
- OOS Instructions/Information
- Secure Site Login - Brings the user to the login page for the Secure Web site. Authorized Secure Web users - Providers, Trading Partners and P&T Committee Members - have access to many features. Access to each feature is dependent upon the user's individual security settings.
Trading Partner: Provides information about using EDI as a faster and more efficient way of communication for claim submission. A link to the Trading Partner Agreement (TPA) provides agreement details, stipulating the general terms and conditions under which the partners agree to exchange information electronically. The TPA can be viewed or downloaded in PDF format. Trading Partner panels consist of the following:
- Electronic Data Interchange
- Trading Partner Agreement
- Trading Partner Enrollment Instructions
- Provider Electronic Solutions Billing Instructions
- Trading Partner Enrollment/Profile
Pharmacy: Provides pharmacy program information and publications. Pharmacy panels consist of the following:
- Pharmacy Program Publications
- Preferred Drug List Information
- Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics Committee
- Pharmacy Prior Authorization Program
- Retrospective Drug Utilization Review
- Drug Rebate